Pre Exam Preparation and Post Exam Analysis
From a young age, most of us have prepared for exams by memorizing textbook phrases, developing summaries, and practicing with past exams. However, we often neglect to analyze what went wrong during an assessment and how we can improve. There are several reasons for this, including the fact that national and international exam bodies do not typically return test papers for review, and schools may not dedicate enough time to post-exam analysis. It’s important to learn how to conduct a thorough analysis and review of our exam performance and understand how this can impact our preparation for future exams. Let’s Read More…
Breaking down of Science Assessment Questions
Science assessment questions can be generically categorised as the following: Regurgitation of science concepts using key words or essential terms Explanation of experimental findings or observations using key scientific concepts/terms Mathematical calculation or analysis Analysis of data and information Keywords and Essential Terms In the coaching of students on biology tuition, teachers will be sharing ways on how to better memorise certain facts. It can be using a simple acronym or some phrases. Whatever it is, if you are unable to remember the key scientific terms, you would not be able to answer such question as you cannot write Newton’s Read More…